A vote for Phillip is a vote for Maine's future. Learn More



My name is Phillip Rench, I am a husband and father of two young children living in Waterboro, Maine where I grew up as a child. My passion has always been engineering and space, solving hard problems that advance humanity. After attending college for Electronics Engineering and Applied Mathematics, I landed my dream job as a Controls Engineer building launch pads and launching rockets. Throughout my time in the Space Industry, I have worn many hats, training me to solve complex problems under intense pressure that demanded precision and innovation. I now get the opportunity to share my experiences with children across the state with the goal of inspiring the next generation of engineers, scientists and teachers.

Creating a life in Maine
In early 2020, my wife Gwendolyn and I decided to return to Maine to raise our two young children and build a produce farm to focus on growing healthy food for our community. During this time, we have had the privilege of connecting with many like-minded individuals who share our values and are equally committed to creating the best possible future for their children. In addition, I have had the opportunity to work on numerous engineering projects as a contractor for many of the major factories and plants in the heart of communities across the state. Whether you’re in Madawaska, Baileyville, Skowhegan, Bath, or Auburn, there’s a good chance you know me—or at least you know someone who does.

Why I’m running for the United States Senate
Our younger generations deserve the opportunity to dream big and build bright futures. Access to healthy food, clean water, healthcare, and a safe place to learn should be a basic human right for every child in this nation. To accomplish this, we need to build a stronger economic foundation for working-class families. Over the past 5 years Gwendolyn and I have brainstormed how best to use our resources to advance this goal and as a result, I am excited to announce my candidacy for the 2026 United States Senate Election in Maine.

Why I’m running as an Independent
I have decided to run as an Independent for the U.S. Senate seat. After thoughtful reflection on my core values, I have come to realize that I align with policies from both sides of the political spectrum. True democracy is not about one side getting everything it wants; it’s about compromise and working together for the greater good. Looking at the results from the 2024 election, it is clear to me that Maine’s electorate is nearly evenly divided, and that you want a candidate who approaches complex issues with pragmatism and a willingness to find common ground, yet at the same time someone with a spine who can lead through the most challenging of circumstances.

I pledge to you as a senator I will be decisive and resolute in our core values as Mainers. I will not wait to express, nor sugarcoat my opinions out of fear of public criticism. Instead of being “troubled”, “concerned” or “shocked”; I will take action. This is who we are.

Building Maine’s Future
Maine needs younger representation in Washington, people with new ideas who understand the challenges of raising a family in this century. When making tough decisions, I will make sure that my vote reflects the long-term interests of Maine’s hardworking people.  As your senator, my top priority will be to reduce the cost of living for all Mainers and to keep more hard-earned money in their pocket to provide a better life for their household. To do this; we need to grow new, diverse industries in Maine to lift the economy to record heights. Many communities around the state never recovered from the decline of the paper industry and I want to bring those communities back to life.

I am committed to using my experience to exponentially grow the advanced technology sector in Maine in an environmentally responsible way. We need to encourage more companies to set up shop and, at the same time, we need to enable and support our college and technical school graduates to stay and build their lives and businesses here. This growth would create high-paying, high-quality jobs for all trades around the state that would generate much-needed revenue. Maine has every key ingredient needed to have a robust and leading edge in this new economy; we just need leadership that understands its true potential to ignite its engine.

For decades Maine citizens have had one of the highest tax burdens in the United States. That is why I believe any newly generated corporate income tax revenue should be used first to reduce income and sales taxes and help alleviate soaring property taxes that are crushing Maine families. We need to hold our elected officials accountable for this. Building a stronger working class with a smaller tax burden is just the first step; only once we have a solid foundation can we adequately start to solve the remaining set of major issues we face: healthcare, housing, and food prices; education & elderly care shortages; energy independence & environmental changes.

Be a part of this Campaign
I intend to run a fiscally responsible campaign that does not waste countless dollars on TV ads or robocalls. Instead, Gwendolyn and I plan to meet with as many of you as possible over the next two years to understand your perspectives and fine-tune our approach to policies that are important to you. We may not always have the perfect answer to your questions, but we want to hear your thoughts and learn from you. Give us honest, critical feedback.

Besides donations, sharing this announcement with your folks is the best way to support this campaign. At the same time, explain your positions to them and why they are important to you and your family. We need to heal as a nation, and talking to one another is the only way it is going to happen.

I believe Margaret Chase Smith said it best:
“It is high time that we stopped thinking politically as Republicans and Democrats about elections and started thinking patriotically as Americans about national security based on individual freedom.”

Let’s move forward together,


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